Experimental Condensed Matter Physics Lab
Denis Bandurin group at the National University of Singapore
With NUS:
Non-Reciprocal Current-Phase Relation and Superconducting Diode Effect in Topological-Insulator-Based Josephson Junctions; A. Kudriashov, X. Zhou, R.A. Hovhannisyan, A. Frolov, L. Elesin, Y. Wang, E.V. Zharkova, T. Taniguchi, K. Watanabe, L.A. Yashina, Z. Liu, Xin Zhou, K.S. Novoselov, D.A. Bandurin*; arXiv:2502.08527 (2025).
Hysteresis-controlled Van der Waals tunneling infrared detector enabled by selective layer heating; D. A. Mylnikov*, M. A. Kashchenko, I. V. Safonov, K. S. Novoselov, D. A. Bandurin*, A. I. Chernov, and D. A. Svintsov*; arXiv:2412.05977 (2024)
Limiting performance of graphene bilayer sub-terahertz detectors at large induced band gap; E. I. Titova*, M. A. Kashchenko, A. V. Miakonkikh, A. D. Morozov, I. K. Domaratskiy, S. S. Zhukov, V. V. Rumyantsev, S. V. Morozov, K. S. Novoselov,
D. A. Bandurin, and D. A. Svintsov*, arXiv:2412.06918 (2024)Testing the tomographic Fermi liquid hypothesis with high-order cyclotron resonance; I. Moiseenko, E. Mönch, K. Kapralov,
D.A. Bandurin, S.D. Ganichev, D.A. Svintsov, arXiv:2409.05147 (2024).Nanopatterning of multicomponent van der Waals heterostructures using atomic force microscopy; A. L. Shilov, L. Elesin, A. Grebenko, V. I. Kleshch, M. A. Kashchenko, I. Mazurenko, E. Titova, E. Zharkova, D. S. Yakovlev, K. S. Novoselov, D. A. Ghazaryan, V. Dremov, D. A. Bandurin*, arXiv:2406.16354 (2024).
A new family of septuple-layer 2D materials of MoSi2N4-like crystals; T. Latychevskaia, D.A. Bandurin* & K.S. Novoselov*, Nature Reviews Physics (2024).
Viscous terahertz photoconductivity of hydrodynamic electrons in graphene; M. Kravtsov, A. L. Shilov, Y. Yang, T. Pryadilin, M. A. Kashchenko, O. Popova, M. Titova, D. Voropaev, Y. Wang, K. Shein, I. Gayduchenko, G. N. Goltsman, M. Lukianov, A. Kudriashov, T. Taniguchi, K. Watanabe, D. A. Svintsov, S. Adam, K. S. Novoselov, A. Principi,
D. A. Bandurin*, Nature Nanotechnology (2024).Infrared photodetection in graphene-based heterostructures: bolometric and thermoelectric effects at the tunneling barrier; D. A. Mylnikov, M. A. Kashchenko, K. N. Kapralov, D. A. Ghazaryan, E. E. Vdovin, S. V. Morozov, K. S. Novoselov, D. A. Bandurin*, A. I. Chernov*, D. A. Svintsov*, NPJ 2d materials and applications 8, 34 (2024).
Fundamental limits of few-layer NbSe2 microbolometers at terahertz frequencies, K. Shein, E. Zharkova, M. A. Kashchenko, A. I. Kolbatova, A. Lyubchak, L. Elesin, E. Nguyen, A. Semenov, I. Charaev, A. Schilling, G. N. Goltsman, K. S. Novoselov, I. Gayduchenko*, D. A. Bandurin*, Nano Letters 24, 7, 2282–2288 (2023).
High-mobility compensated semimetals, orbital magnetization, and umklapp scattering in bilayer graphene moire superlattices; A. L. Shilov, M. A. Kashchenko, P. A. Pantaleón, M. Kravtsov, A. Kudriashov, Z. Zhan, T. Taniguchi, K. Watanabe, S. Slizovskiy, K. S. Novoselov, V. I. Fal'ko, F. Guinea, D. A. Bandurin*, ACS Nano (2023).
Single-photon detection using high-temperature superconductors; I. Charaev*, D. A. Bandurin*, A. T. Bollinger, I. Y. Phinney, I. Drozdov, M. Colangelo, B. A. Butters, T. Taniguchi, K. Watanabe, X. He, O. Medeiros, I. Božović, P. Jarillo-Herrero, K. K. Berggren*, Nature Nanotechnology (2023). Nature News and Views.
Interlayer Electron-Hole Friction in Tunable Twisted Bilayer Graphene Semimetal; D. A. Bandurin*, A. Principi, I. Y. Phinney, T. Taniguchi, K. Watanabe, and P. Jarillo-Herrero, Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 206802 (2022). Editor's choice.
Terahertz Photoconductivity in Bilayer Graphene Transistors: Evidence for Tunneling at Gate-Induced Junctions;
D. A. Mylnikov, E. I. Titova, M. A. Kashchenko, I. V. Safonov, S. S. Zhukov, V. A. Semkin, K. S. Novoselov, D. A. Bandurin, D. A. Svintsov, Nano Letters 23, 1, 220–226 (2022).Ultralow-noise Terahertz Detection by p–n Junctions in Gapped Bilayer Graphene, E. Titova, D. Mylnikov, M. Kashchenko, I. Safonov, S. Zhukov, K. Dzhikirba, K. S. Novoselov, D. A. Bandurin, G. Alymov, and D. Svintsov, ACS Nano 17, 8223-8232 (2023).
Selected publications of DAB
Cyclotron resonance overtones and near-field magnetoabsorption via terahertz Bernstein modes in graphene;
D. A. Bandurin*, E. Moench, K. Kapralov, I. Y. Phinney, K. Lindner, S. Liu, J. H. Edgar, I. A. Dmitriev, P. Jarillo-Herrero, D. Svintsov*, S. D. Ganichev*, Nature Physics 18, 462–467 (2022).Fizeau drag in graphene plasmonics; Y. Dong, L. Xiong, I.Y. Phinney, Z. Sun, R. Jing, A.S. McLeod, S. Zhang, S. Liu, H. Gao, Z. Dong, R. Pan, J. H. Edgar, M. M. Fogler, A.J. Millis, P. Jarillo-Herrero, L.S. Levitov, D. A. Bandurin*, D. N. Basov*, Nature 594, 513–516 (2021).
Tunnel-field effect transistors for sensitive terahertz detection; Gayduchenko, S. G. Xu, G. Alymov, M. Moskotin, I. Tretyakov, T. Taniguchi, K. Watanabe, G. Goltsman, A. K. Geim, G. Fedorov, D. Svintsov*, D. A. Bandurin*, Nature Communications 12, 543 (2021).
Measuring Hall viscosity in graphene’s electron fluid; I. Berdyugin, S. G. Xu, F. M. D. Pellegrino, R. Krishna Kumar, A. Principi, I. Torre, M. Ben Shalom, T. Taniguchi, K. Watanabe, I. V. Grigorieva, M. Polini, A. K. Geim*, D. A. Bandurin*, Science 364, 162-165 (2019).
Resonant terahertz detection using graphene plasmons; D. A. Bandurin*, D. Svintsov, I. Gayduchenko, S. G. Xu, A. Principi, M. Moskotin, I. Tretyakov, D. Yagodkin, S. Zhukov, T. Taniguchi, K. Watanabe, I. V. Grigorieva, M. Polini, G. Goltsman, A. K. Geim, G. Fedorov*, Nature Communications 9, 5392 (2018).
Fluidity onset in graphene; D. A. Bandurin, A.V. Shytov, L. S. Levitov, R. Krishna Kumar, A. I. Berdyugin, M. Ben Shalom, I. V. Grigorieva, A. K. Geim, G. Falkovich, Nature Communications 9, 4533 (2018).
High Electron Mobility, Quantum Hall Effect and Anomalous Optical Response in Atomically Thin InSe; A. Bandurin, A. V. Tyurnina, G. L. Yu, A. Mishchenko, V. Zólyomi, S. V. Morozov, R. Krishna Kumar, R. V. Gorbachev, K. S. Novoselov, Z. R. Kudrynskyi, Z. D. Kovalyuk, A. Patanè, L. Eaves, I. V. Grigorieva, V. I. Fal’ko, A. K. Geim, Y. Cao, Nature Nanotechnology 12, 223–227, (2017).
Negative local resistance due to viscous electron backflow in graphene; A.Bandurin, I. Torre, R. Krishna Kumar, M. Ben Shalom, A. Tomadin, A. Principi, G.H. Auton, E. Khestanova, K.S. Novoselov, I.V. Grigorieva, L.A. Ponomarenko, A.K. Geim, M. Polini, Science 351, 1055 (2016).
Full list of DAB before NUS
Interaction effects and electron hydrodynamics
Negative local resistance due to viscous electron backflow in graphene; D.A.Bandurin, I. Torre, R. Krishna Kumar, M. Ben Shalom, A. Tomadin, A. Principi, G.H. Auton, E. Khestanova, K.S. Novoselov, I.V. Grigorieva, L.A. Ponomarenko, A.K. Geim, M. Polini, Science 351, 1055 (2016).
Superballistic flow of viscous electron fluid through graphene constrictions; R. Krishna Kumar, D. A. Bandurin, F. M. D. Pellegrino, Y. Cao, A. Principi, H. Guo, G. H. Auton, M. Ben Shalom, L. A. Ponomarenko, G. Falkovich, I. V. Grigorieva, L. S. Levitov, M. Polini, A. K. Geim, Nature Physics 13, 1182–1185 (2017).
Fluidity onset in graphene; D. A. Bandurin, A.V. Shytov, L. S. Levitov, R. Krishna Kumar, A. I. Berdyugin, M. Ben Shalom, I. V. Grigorieva, A. K. Geim and G. Falkovich., Nature Communications 9, 4533 (2018).
Measuring Hall viscosity in graphene’s electron fluid; A. I. Berdyugin, S. G. Xu, F. M. D. Pellegrino, R. Krishna Kumar, A. Principi, I. Torre, M. Ben Shalom, T. Taniguchi, K. Watanabe, I. V. Grigorieva, M. Polini, A. K. Geim*, D. A. Bandurin*, Science 364, 162-165 (2019).
Dipole excitation of collective modes in two-dimensional materials described by nonlocal hydrodynamic model; V. Andreeva, D.A. Bandurin, M. Luskin, and D. Margetis, Phys. Rev. B 102, 205411 (2020).
Interlayer Electron-Hole Friction in Tunable Twisted Bilayer Graphene Semimetal; D. A. Bandurin, A. Principi, I. Y. Phinney, T. Taniguchi, K. Watanabe, and P. Jarillo-Herrero, Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 206802 (2022). Editor's choice.
Plasmonics and radiation-driven phenomena
Dual origin of room temperature sub-terahertz photoresponse in graphene field effect transistors; D. A. Bandurin*, I. Gayduchenko, Y. Cao, M. Moskotin, A. Principi, I. V. Grigorieva, G. Goltsman, G. Fedorov, D. Svintsov*, Applied Physics Letters 112, 131101 (2018).
Resonant terahertz detection using graphene plasmons; D. A. Bandurin*, D. Svintsov*, I. Gayduchenko, S. G. Xu, A. Principi, M. Moskotin, I. Tretyakov, D. Yagodkin, S. Zhukov, T. Taniguchi, K. Watanabe, I. V. Grigorieva, M. Polini, G. Goltsman, A. K. Geim, G. Fedorov*, Nature Communications 9, 5392 (2018).
Pseudo-Euler equations from nonlinear optics: plasmon-assisted photodetection beyond hydrodynamics; A. Principi, D. A. Bandurin, H. Rostami, M. Polini, Phys. Rev. B 99, 075410 (2019).
Singularity-enhanced terahertz detection in high-mobility field-effect transistors; M. Khavronin, A. S. Petrov, A. E. Kazantsev, E. I. Nikulin, D. A. Bandurin*, Physical Review Applied 13, 064072 (2020).
Edge diffraction and plasmon launching in two-dimensional electron systems; E. Nikulin, D. Mylnikov D. A. Bandurin, D. Svintsov, Phys. Rev. B 103, 085306 (2020).
Observation of terahertz-induced magnetooscillations in graphene; E. Mönch, D. A. Bandurin*, I. A. Dmitriev, I. Y. Phinney, I. Yahniuk, T. Taniguchi, K. Watanabe, P. Jarillo-Herrero, S. D. Ganichev*, Nano Letters 20, 8, 5943–5950 (2020).
Tunnel-field effect transistors for sensitive terahertz detection, I. Gayduchenko, S. G. Xu, G. Alymov, M. Moskotin, I. Tretyakov, T. Taniguchi, K. Watanabe, G. Goltsman, A. K. Geim, G. Fedorov*, D. Svintsov*, D. A. Bandurin*, Nature Communications 12, 543 (2021). Editor's choice.
Fizeau drag in graphene plasmonics; Y. Dong, L. Xiong, I.Y. Phinney, Z. Sun, R. Jing, A.S. McLeod, S. Zhang, S. Liu, H. Gao, Z. Dong, R. Pan, J. H. Edgar, M. M. Fogler, A.J. Millis, P. Jarillo-Herrero, L.S. Levitov, D.A. Bandurin*, D.N. Basov*, Nature 594, 513–516 (2021).
Cyclotron resonance overtones and near-field magnetoabsorption via terahertz Bernstein modes in graphene; D. A. Bandurin*, E. Moench, K. Kapralov, I. Y. Phinney, K. Lindner, S. Liu, J. H. Edgar, I. A. Dmitriev, P. Jarillo-Herrero, D. Svintsov*, S. D. Ganichev*, Nature Physics 18, 462–467 (2022).
Active and Passive Tuning of ultra-narrow Resonances in Polaritonic Nanoantennas; J. Duan, F. J. Alfaro-Mozaz, J. Taboada-Gutiérrez, I. Dolado, G. Álvarez-Pérez, Elena Titova, A. Bylinkin, A. I. F. Tresguerres-Mata, J. Martín-Sánchez, S. Liu, J. H. Edgar, D. A. Bandurin, P. Jarillo-Herrero, R. Hillenbrand, A. Y. Nikitin, P. Alonso-González, Advanced Materials 34, 2104954 (2021).
Terahertz Photoconductivity in Bilayer Graphene Transistors: Evidence for Tunneling at Gate-Induced Junctions,
D. A. Mylnikov*, E. I. Titova, M. A. Kashchenko, I. V. Safonov, S. S. Zhukov, V. A. Semkin, K. S. Novoselov, D. A. Bandurin, D. A. Svintsov, Nano Letters 23, 1, 220–226 (2022).Ultralow-noise Terahertz Detection by p–n Junctions in Gapped Bilayer Graphene, E. Titova, D. Mylnikov, M. Kashchenko, I. Safonov, S. Zhukov, K. Dzhikirba, K. S. Novoselov, D. A. Bandurin, G. Alymov, and D. Svintsov, ACS Nano 17, 8223-8232 (2023).
Quantum transport, spintronics, and optoelectronics of 2D materials
High Electron Mobility, Quantum Hall Effect and Anomalous Optical Response in Atomically Thin InSe; D.A. Bandurin, A. V. Tyurnina, G. L. Yu, A. Mishchenko, V. Zólyomi, S. V. Morozov, R. Krishna Kumar, R. V. Gorbachev, K. S. Novoselov, Z. R. Kudrynskyi, Z. D. Kovalyuk, A. Patanè, L. Eaves, I. V. Grigorieva, V. I. Fal'ko, A. K. Geim, Y. Cao, Nature Nanotechnology 12, 223–227 (2017).
Edge currents shunt the insulating bulk in gapped graphene; M. J. Zhu, A. V. Kretinin, M. Thompson, D. A. Bandurin, S. Hu, A. Mishchenko, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, M. Polini, J. R. Prance, K. S. Novoselov, A. K. Geim, M. Ben Shalom, Nature Communications 8, 14552 (2017).
High-temperature quantum oscillations caused by recurring Bloch states in graphene superlattices; R. Krishna Kumar, X. Chen, G. H. Auton, A. Mishchenko, D. A. Bandurin, S. V. Morozov, Y. Cao, E. Khestanova, M. Ben Shalom, A. V. Kretinin, K. S. Novoselov, L. Eaves, I. V. Grigorieva, L. A. Ponomarenko, V. I. Fal'ko, A. K. Geim, Science 357, 6347 (2017).
Giant oscillations of resistance in triangular-network of ballistic channels; S. G. Xu, A. I. Berdyugin, P. Kumaravadivel, F. Guinea, R. Krishna Kumar, D. A. Bandurin, S. V. Morozov, W. Kuang, B. Tsim, S. Liu, J. H. Edgar, I. V. Grigorieva, V. I. Fal’ko, M. Kim and A. K. Geim, Nature Communications 10, 4008 (2019).
Strained bubbles in van der Waals heterostructures as local emitters of photoluminescence with adjustable wavelength; A.V. Tyurnina+, D.A. Bandurin+, E. Khestanova+, V. Kravets, M. Koperski, F. Guinea, A. Grigorenko, A.K. Geim, I.V. Grigorieva, ACS Photonics 6, 516-524 (2019).
Enhanced Superconductivity in Few-Layer TaS2 due to Healing by Oxygenation; J. Bekaert, E. Khestanova, D. G. Hopkinson, J. Birkbeck, N. Clark, M. Zhu, D. A. Bandurin, R. Gorbachev, S. Fairclough, Y. Zou, M. Hamer, D. J. Terry, J. J. P. Peters, A. M. Sanchez, B. Partoens, S. J. Haigh, M. V. Milošević, and I. V. Grigorieva, Nano Letters 20, 5, 3808–3818 (2020).
Enhanced Spin Injection in Molecularly Functionalized Graphene via Ultrathin Oxide Barriers; J. C. Toscano-Figueroa+, N. Natera-Cordero+, D. A. Bandurin+, C. R. Anderson, V. H. Guarochico-Moreira, I. V. Grigorieva*, and I. J. Vera-Marun*, Physical Review Applied 15, 054018 (2021).
Tunable spin-orbit coupling in two-dimensional InSe; A. Ceferino, S.J. Magorrian, V. Zólyomi, D.A. Bandurin, A.K. Geim, A. Patanè, Z.D. Kovalyuk, Z.R. Kudrynskyi, I.V. Grigorieva, V.I. Fal'ko, Phys. Rev. B 104, 125432 (2021).
Strong interminivalley scattering in twisted bilayer graphene revealed by high-temperature magneto-oscillations; I. Y. Phinney, D. A. Bandurin, C. Collignon, I. A. Dmitriev, T. Taniguchi, K. Watanabe, and P. Jarillo-Herrero, Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 056802 (2021). Editor's choice.
Tunable Spin Injection in High-Quality Graphene with One-Dimensional Contacts; Victor H. Guarochico-Moreira, Jose L. Sambricio, Khalid Omari, Christopher R. Anderson, Denis A. Bandurin, Jesus C. Toscano-Figueroa, Noel Natera-Cordero, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, Irina V. Grigorieva, and Ivan J. Vera-Marun, Nano Letters 22, 3, 935–941 (2022).
Out-of-equilibrium criticalities in graphene superlattices; A. I. Berdyugin, N. Xin, H. Gao, S. Slizovskiy, Z. Dong, S. Bhattacharjee, P. Kumaravadivel, S. Xu, L. A. Ponomarenko, M. Holwill, D. A. Bandurin, M. Kim, Y. Cao, M. T. Greenaway, K. S. Novoselov, I. V. Grigorieva, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, V. I. Fal'ko, L. S. Levitov, R. Krishna Kumar, A. K. Geim, Science 375,430-433 (2022).
Single-photon detection using high-temperature superconductors, I. Charaev*, D. A. Bandurin*, A. T. Bollinger, I. Y. Phinney, I. Drozdov, M. Colangelo, B. A. Butters, T. Taniguchi, K. Watanabe, X. He, O. Medeiros, I. Božović, P. Jarillo-Herrero, K. K. Berggren*, Nature Nanotechnology (2023).
Nature News and Views.
Field emission from nanocarbon materials
Field emission and electron energy distributions from point-type triangular-shaped emitters made of thin graphene films; P. Serbun, V. Porshyn, D. Bandurin, and D. Lützenkirchen-Hecht, Journal of Applied Physics 127, 185302 (2020).
Scanning Anode Field Emission Microscopy of Nanocarbons; D.A. Bandurin, V.I. Kleshch, E.A. Smolnikova, I.V. Obronov, A.G. Nasibulin, E.I. Kauppinen, and A.N. Obraztsov, J. Nanoelectron. Optoelectron. 8, 114 (2013).
Field Emission Properties of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Films; I. V. Obronov, V. I. Kleshch, E. A. Smolnikova, D. A. Bandurin, and A. N. Obraztsov, J. Nanoelectron. Optoelectron. 9, 71 (2013).
Field emission evidence for dual-barrier electron tunneling in nanographite; D.A. Bandurin, S, Mingels, V.I. Kleshch, D.L. Lutzenkirchen-Hecht, G. Mueller, A.N. Obraztsov, Applied Physics Letters 106, 233112 (2015).
Field emission from edge of large-scale single-layer graphene; V.I. Kleshch, D.A. Bandurin, S. Purcell, A.N. Obraztsov, Applied Surface Science 357, 1967 (2015).
Field electron emission from CVD nanocarbon films containing scrolled graphene structures; V.I. Kleshch, D.A. Bandurin, P. Serbun, R.R. Ismagilov, D. Lützenkirchen-Hecht, and A.N. Obraztsov, Physica Status Solidi B 255, 1700270 (2018).