Experimental Condensed Matter Physics Lab

Denis Bandurin group at the National University of Singapore

Online presentations

DAB Invited, plenary and keynote talks

- Young research leaders in topological materials and beyond 2024, Invited Speaker, Hong Kong. 

- Teratech 2024, Invited Speaker, Buffalo, USA.

- Teratech 2023, Invited Speaker, Aizu, Japan.

- RPGR 2023, Invited Speaker, Bangalore, India. 

- IPS Meeting 2022, Plenary Speaker, Singapore. 

- SIT/ JUB Insights in Technology Workshop 2022, Invited speaker, Bremen, Germany. 

- International Winterschool on Electronic Properties of Novel Materials 2020, Invited speaker, Kirchberg, Austria. 

- Graphene for US 2020, Invited speaker, New York, USA.

- 2D materials congress 2019, Sochi, Keynote Speaker, Russia.

- Hydrodynamic Models for Transport in 2D Materials 2019, Invited speaker, Minneapolis, USA.

- The 2019 Spring Meeting of the European Materials Research Society (E-MRS), Invited speaker, Nice, France. 

- 2019 DPG Spring Meeting, Invited speaker, Regensburg, Germany.

- Fluid flows: from Graphene to planet atmospheres 2018, Invited speaker, Tel-Aviv, Israel.

- METANANO 2018, Sochi, Invited speaker, Russia.

- Nanocarbon Photonics and Optoelectronics 2017, Invited speaker, Sochi, Russia.

- APS March Meeting 2016, Baltimore, Invited speaker, MD, USA.

- Nanocarbon Photonics and Optoelectronics 2016, Invited speaker, Imatra, Finland.