Experimental Condensed Matter Physics Lab

Denis Bandurin group at the National University of Singapore

Research focus

Since the first isolation of graphene, devices based on novel low-dimensional quantum materials and their heterostructures have become a true gold mine for searching for new fundamental phenomena and prototyping future technology. Reduced dimensionality, peculiar band structures, quantum geometry, and strong quasiparticle interactions in a unique way determine the response of such systems to external fields thereby offering a powerful setting by which to discover novel fundamental effects using the condensed matter physics experimental toolbox. Currently, our research group at NUS explores the physical properties of novel low-dimensional quantum materials via magneto-transport experiments in the presence of a strong terahertz drive and under extreme cryogenic conditions.

Join us!

We are currently accepting Ph.D. students for September 2024. Requirements: Solid knowledge of general and condensed matter physics with an undergraduate record in experimental work. 

Applications are welcome for a postdoctoral research position in the field of experimental condensed matter physics in our group. Applicants should submit a CV, and statement of research interests, no letters of reference are needed at the initial stage. 
